
Undergraduate Students

Registration for 2nd Semester 2024-2025 Announcements

Pre-Advising will be via Zoom on January 13, 2025 (Monday). The schedule is as follows:

  • SN 2024: 2:00 PM
  • SN 2023: 2:30 PM
  • SN 2022: 3:00 PM
  • SN 2021 and below: 3:30 PM

Zoom Credentials:

Topic: IChem Pre-Advising
Time: Jan 13, 2025, 2:00 PM
Meeting ID: 936 1134 3234
Passcode: ichempread

Blocks will be dissolved on January 10. Please wait until then to enlist/cancel subjects which are
currently in blocks.

To cancel a lecture or lab without cancelling the partner section, please request for special
cancellation using this link:

GE Courses and Science Electives for undergraduates are tabulated below.

  • List of GE Courses
  • List of Science Electives

Any subject on this list CANNOT be taken as elective

ARTS 1Envi Sci 1L Arch 1Philo 10
Anthro 10ETHICS 1Lingg 1Philo 11
Archaeo 2FA 28LIS 10Physics 10
Arkiyoloji 1FA 30MATH 10PS 21
Art Stud 2Fil 18Math 2SAS 1
Bio 1Fil 25MBB 1SEA 30
Chem 1Fil 30MPs 10Soc Sci 1
CW 10Fil 40MS 1Soc Sci 2
Demo 1Film 10MuC 10Socio 10
Econ 11FN 1MuL 8Speech 30
EL 50GE 1MuL 9STS 1
Eng 11Geog 1Pan Pil 17Theatre 11
Eng 12Geol 1Pan Pil 19Theatre 12
Eng 30Kas 2Philo 1

List of science electives for which prerequisites are already satisfied

  • Any subject on this list will count as a science elective
  • Any subject from the College of Science or Engineering may be also be considered science electives. Science subjects from other colleges may be accepted on a case to case basis.
  • You need to satisfy the prerequisite of any elective you enlist. If you don’t, you will not graduate.
  • To prevent complications on prerequisites, we recommend you stick to this list for your science electives.
Bio 12FN 102Math 114MS 101
Bio 101FN 121Math 121.1MS 102
Bio 102FN 122Math 162MS 220
Bio 111FN 124Math 203MS 221
Bio 112FN 131Math 258MS 222
Bio 114FS 106MBB 10MS 226
Bio 115FS 116MBB 110MS 226.1
Bio 116FS 125MBB 121MSE 201
Bio 116.1FS 126MBB 125MSE 211
Bio 118FS 127MBB 140MSE 212
Bio 120FS 135MetE 11MSE 214
Bio 150FS 140MetE 12MSE 215
Bio 180Geol 11.1MetE 13MSE 216
CE 21Geol 40MetE 14MSE 231
ChE 2IE 3MetE 17MSE 241
ChE 100IT 100MetE 18MSE 261
Env Sci 201IT 110MetE 120MSE 271
Env Sci 202MatE 10MetE 121Physics 73
Env Sci 211MatE 11Meteo 101Physics 73.1
Env Sci 212MatE 101Meteo 224Stat 101
ES 1MatE 105
MatE 105.1
MatE 131